INFORMATION FOR THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA (Article 13 of the European General Data Protection Regulation "GDPR")

Ημερομηνία δημοσίευσης: 25/10/2021

Συντάκτης: RE/MAX Right Home


31 Politechniou str., Thessaloniki, 54626


Τ: +30 2310 534354 




(Article 13 of the European General Data Protection Regulation "GDPR")


                                                                          (Version dated 25/10/2021)




     In the frame of our contractual relationship, we process your personal data (hereafter "Data"), which are provided to us by you and are necessary both for the execution and the purposes of the contract between us and for complying with our legal obligations (e.g. tax obligations), for the purposes of our legitimate interests (especially for the smooth cooperation between us, the provision of our services and the promotion of the RE/MAX trademarks, the smooth and transparent function of the RE/MAX franchised system, the protection of our general business interest and rights, the establishment, exercise, defense and execution of our legal claims), for statistical purposes, providing the appropriate guarantees for your rights and freedoms and all the above to the extent they do not outweigh your interest or your fundamental rights and freedoms. Any refusal or omission to provide us that Data may result in our failure to execute our contractt without our fault.

     Your Data may be transmitted, only for the above purposes, to:

  • IT providers that we cooperate with.
  • Banking Institutions, Public Authorities, third parties (e.g., a Notary e.t.c.), provided that it is necessary for the execution of the contract between us and the protection of our legitimate interests.

     We process your Data only for as long as the contract between us is valid. After its expiration or termination, we will continue to process only the Data that is necessary for statistical purposes, always complying with all the guarantees for your rights and freedoms, for complying with our obligations pursuant to the legislation as long as the related provisions require to and for the protection of our legitimate rights as long as the related provisions require to.

     We periodically check the Data that we have stored after the termination or expiration of the contract between us and we delete it when we do not any longer need it for the fulfillment of the above purposes.




     B1.As long as the contractual relationship between us is valid and for the effective, faster and prompter provision of services, we may transmit your name (and if it is necessary for your assistance your contact information as well) to the sales associates we cooperate with, and to other real estate agencies and their sales associates, for the showing of their listed properties that you may be interested in, or for the contact between you and them in order to assist you faster and effectively. In case such transmission happens between the offices and/or the sales associates of RE/MAX network in Greece, then your Data is also transmitted to the company “REFRAN Single Member S.A. Real Estate Franchising” under the trade name “RE/MAX Greece”, located in Panorama Thessaloniki, Komninon Ave. – 1 Ad. Korai str., in order to be able to check the best business network practices of the offices and the consultants to help ensure your faster, transparent and more effective service.

     For your Data processing by “REFRAN Single Member S.A. Real Estate Franchising”, you could refer to

     B.2. We retain and process your Data to send you informative material, news & announcements for new actions of our office, of “REFRAN Single Member S.A. Real Estate Franchising” (“RE/MAX Greece”) and of RE/MAX Europe, for promotions, events and any major developments in the real estate market, to send you information and/or promotional notes - newsletters and expression of interest for cooperation so as to come in contact with you for properties you may be interested in.

     B.3.We transmit and share your Data with “REFRAN Single Member S.A. Real Estate Franchising” under the trade name "RE/MAX Greece", located in Panorama, Thessaloniki, Komninon Ave - 1 Ad. Korai str., for statistical purposes, to manage, control and support the RE/MAX network in Greece, to send you newsletters, news and announcements for new actions of it and of “RE/MAX Europe”, for promotions, events and any major developments in the real estate market, information and/or promotional notes – newsletters.

     For your Data processing by “REFRAN Single Member S.A. Real Estate Franchising”, you could refer to

     We will retain your Data and will ensure that third parties to whom your Data is being transmitted, will retain your Data until you declare your contrary desire and will not share your Data with any other third parties, except the above mentioned.

     You could at any time ask us to stop processing your Data by contacting us on the contact details above.  




     Under applicable data protection laws, you have the right (i) to check whether and which of your personal data we retain and to access or request copies of your personal data; (ii) to request a correction, completion or deletion of your personal data that is inaccurate or obtained by means that do not comply with the applicable regulations; (iii) to request to limit the collection, processing or use of your personal data; (iv) in exceptional cases forbidding for legitimate purposes the processing of your personal data; (v) to request the transfer of your data; (vi) to ask to know the identification of third parties to whom your personal data may be transferred, and (vii) to withdraw your consent.


     You can exercise these rights by sending an e-mail to or by writing the forms that are available in our Company (respectively, the details should be also filled for the sales associate). In such a case, we respond to your request within one month, unless the request is very complex or there are plenty of similar requests.


     If you have any complaints, you reserve the right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate personal data protection authority.

The Authority's contact details are:

Address:1-3 Kifisias str, 11523, Athens

Tel:(0030) 210 6475600

Fax:(0030) 210 6475628
